
 14 Aug 22


The CEX life is not necessarily all it is cracked up to be. FTX is making major moves to not be just a CEX anymore. For the past little bit I have been referring to it as a derivatives firm. With so many moves headed toward the more traditional services, FTX is posed to be a lot more than it once wa...

The CEX life is not necessarily all it is cracked up to be. FTX is making major moves to not be just a CEX anymore. For the past little bit I have been referring to it as a derivatives firm. With so many moves headed toward the more traditional services, FTX is posed to be a lot more than it once was. This is in stark contrast to Coinbase which has been making misstep after misstep. Like I have said before, Coinbase is ripe for a buyout and my eye is on Blackrock or at least a Blackrock-approved company to snatch it up. My outlook for this week is more in the CEX life!


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 2 Jan 25
 2 Jan 25
 2 Jan 25