
 18 Oct 23


<p>U.S. stock index futures are expected to open lower on Wednesday due to geopolitical concerns. Investors will be closely watching the performance of several stocks, including Tesla, Abbott Laboratories, and Procter & Gamble, as these stocks are expected to experience some volatility. Trader...

U.S. stock index futures are expected to open lower on Wednesday due to geopolitical concerns. The focus will be on various stocks, including Tesla, Abbott Laboratories, and Procter & Gamble. (source)

Geopolitical concerns are weighing on investor sentiment, resulting in a lower opening for U.S. stock index futures on Wednesday. Investors will be closely watching the performance of several stocks, including Tesla, Abbott Laboratories, and Procter & Gamble. These stocks are expected to experience some volatility as geopolitical tensions continue to impact global markets. Traders will monitor news updates and market trends to make informed investment decisions. Stay tuned for further developments and market fluctuations as the day progresses. (source)


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 7 Jan 25
 7 Jan 25
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