
 21 Dec 23


Panasonic Energy, a unit of Panasonic (OTCPK:PCRFY) supplying batteries to Tesla (NASDAQ:TSLA), has decided against constructing a new EV battery facility in Oklahoma due to disagreements over site specifications and incentives. The decision follows consideration for the plant's location since April...

Panasonic Energy, a unit of Panasonic (OTCPK:PCRFY) supplying batteries to Tesla (NASDAQ:TSLA), has decided against constructing a new EV battery facility in Oklahoma due to disagreements over site specifications and incentives. The decision follows consideration for the plant's location since April, with Panasonic currently facing cost challenges at its EV battery facility in Kansas. Despite this setback, the company remains committed to its target of building 200 gigawatt-hours of battery capacity by early 2031.

More about Tesla Inc

Tesla Inc is an American electric vehicle and clean energy company based in Palo Alto, California. In 2020, Tesla had the highest sales in the plug-in and battery electric passenger car segments, capturing 16% of the plug-in market and 23% of the battery-electric market. The company is also a major installer of solar photovoltaic energy generation systems in the United States and one of the largest global suppliers of battery energy storage systems, with 3 GWh of battery storage supplied in 2020. As of the latest financial data, Tesla Inc's stock price is at $205.35, with a decrease of 0.442, and an RSI of 30.28. The company's current market sentiment is slightly bearish, with potential support and resistance levels to watch for. However, given the volatility of the stock market, past performance is not always indicative of future results, and there may be uncertainties in the stock's future performance.

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 10 Jan 25
 10 Jan 25
 10 Jan 25