5 Jan 24
Stock index futures point to a lower open Friday, with the December jobs report likely determining early direction. S&P futures (SPX) -0.3%, Nasdaq 100 futures (NDX:IND) -0.4%, and Dow futures (INDU) -0.2% were lower. Stocks have had a lower week to start the year with the S&P 500 (SP500) down 1.7% ...
Stock index futures point to a lower open Friday, with the December jobs report likely determining early direction. S&P futures (SPX) -0.3%, Nasdaq 100 futures (NDX:IND) -0.4%, and Dow futures (INDU) -0.2% were lower. Stocks have had a lower week to start the year with the S&P 500 (SP500) down 1.7% over the last three sessions, the Dow (DJI) off 0.7%, and the Nasdaq (COMP.IND) down 3.3%. Info Tech (XLK) is down more than 4% for the week due to growth struggles amidst rising yields. Rates are moving higher, with the 10-year Treasury yield (US10Y) climbing 5 basis points to 4.05% and the 2-year yield (US2Y) rising 4 basis points to 4.43%. Following the market opening, the December ISM services index arrives with a forecast for it to remain about steady at 52.6.
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