11 Jan 24
:After the approval of the first spot bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) in the U.S., listings on exchanges could occur within days. However, the effect on the market is likely to take months to assess, according to Ophelia Snyder, co-founder of crypto custodian 21Shares. Money managers must adher...
After the approval of the first spot bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) in the U.S., listings on exchanges could occur within days. However, the effect on the market is likely to take months to assess, according to Ophelia Snyder, co-founder of crypto custodian 21Shares. Money managers must adhere to various processes before adding the ETFs to their list of approved allocations, which typically takes at least 90 days. Despite the green light for ETFs, the underlying asset remains at risk of SEC disapproval.
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