12 Jan 24
:The debut of spot Bitcoin ETFs exceeded expectations, with freshman BTC funds clearing $4.5 billion in volume on day one. BlackRock's iShares Bitcoin Trust accounted for a significant portion of the total volume, while Hashdex Bitcoin ETF is undergoing a conversion to a spot BTC fund. Additionally,...
The debut of spot Bitcoin ETFs exceeded expectations, with freshman BTC funds clearing $4.5 billion in volume on day one. BlackRock's iShares Bitcoin Trust accounted for a significant portion of the total volume, while Hashdex Bitcoin ETF is undergoing a conversion to a spot BTC fund. Additionally, Grayscale Bitcoin Trust saw an all-time high daily volume of 56 million shares, surpassing its previous high by a wide margin.
Day one for the newly minted spot Bitcoin ETFs is in the books—and it did not disappoint. Market observers did not expect such a big debut across the board, but the Wall Street appetite for Bitcoin seems to have been there all along. BlackRock’s iShares Bitcoin Trust nearly cleared $1 billion worth of volume by itself, accounting for 22% of the total volume across all 10 spot Bitcoin ETFs on Thursday. Hashdex Bitcoin ETF is undergoing a conversion to a spot BTC fund, and Grayscale Bitcoin Trust achieved an all-time high daily volume of 56 million shares, a significant milestone for the company.
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