15 Jan 24
:J.P. Morgan's research report suggests that while the market reaction to the SEC's approval of spot bitcoin ETFs has been relatively muted, predictions indicate that significant funds from other crypto products are expected to pour into these new ETFs. The bank is skeptical about the optimism for n...
J.P. Morgan's research report suggests that while the market reaction to the SEC's approval of spot bitcoin ETFs has been relatively muted, predictions indicate that significant funds from other crypto products are expected to pour into these new ETFs. The bank is skeptical about the optimism for new capital entering the crypto space but still anticipates potential inflows of up to $36 billion into the new ETFs. Additionally, J.P. Morgan predicts that existing crypto products could see significant outflows in favor of the new spot ETFs, including up to $3 billion exiting the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC) and up to $20 billion from retail investors migrating from digital wallets to the new ETFs. Grayscale's high fees may also trigger outflows, and institutional investors could shift from futures-based ETFs to cheaper spot ETFs.
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