
 18 Jan 24


Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) is expected to sustain growth in the foreseeable future, driven by the continued adoption of its Azure cloud infrastructure platform. Bank of America analysts anticipate continued growth in revenue from Azure, Office 365, and Game Pass, with expanded access to the AI-driven C...

Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) is expected to sustain growth in the foreseeable future, driven by the continued adoption of its Azure cloud infrastructure platform. Bank of America analysts anticipate continued growth in revenue from Azure, Office 365, and Game Pass, with expanded access to the AI-driven Copilot providing additional support in fiscal year 2024. However, modest penetration of 1.5% from Copilot's commercial subscriptions is assumed. Overall, analysts expect healthy acceleration from Microsoft's core Office and Azure franchises, with potential for higher contributions from AI workloads to expand growth beyond the 26.5% forecast for Azure. BofA has reiterated its Buy rating for Microsoft and anticipates low double-digit growth in the stock over the next three to five years. The stock has gained more than 6% in the past month.

More about Microsoft Corporation

Microsoft Corporation is a prominent American multinational technology company, known for its software products such as the Microsoft Windows line of operating systems, the Microsoft Office suite, and web browsers like Internet Explorer and Edge. It also produces consumer electronics, personal computers, and related services, with flagship hardware products like the Xbox video game consoles and the Microsoft Surface lineup of touchscreen personal computers. In 2020, Microsoft ranked No. 21 in the Fortune 500 rankings and is considered one of the Big Five companies in the U.S. information technology industry. The company's market cap is $2.89 trillion with a stock price of $416.53. The stock has a P/E ratio of 37.74 and a dividend yield of 0.83%. The stock has shown a 1-year return of 29.35% and a 5-year return of 218.31%. The current sentiment in the market for Microsoft Corporation is bullish, based on the strong financial performance and market positioning of the company.

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 2 Jan 25
 2 Jan 25
 2 Jan 25