Amazon's Web Services division is making a substantial investment in Japan, with plans to inject ¥2.3 trillion ($15.53 billion) into the country's data center infrastructure by 2027, as reported by Nikkei. This move underscores the company's dedication to expanding its cloud capacity, particularly i...
Amazon's Web Services division is making a substantial investment in Japan, with plans to inject ¥2.3 trillion ($15.53 billion) into the country's data center infrastructure by 2027, as reported by Nikkei. This move underscores the company's dedication to expanding its cloud capacity, particularly in Tokyo and Osaka, where AI services are in high demand. The investment builds on a previous commitment of ¥1.51 trillion yen made during 2011-2022, reaffirming Amazon's ongoing effort to solidify its position in the Japanese cloud computing market. Notably, Amazon Web Services is already a significant player in the region, providing generative AI services to prominent clients such as Asahi Group, Marubeni, and Nomura, demonstrating its ability to leverage advanced technology to meet diverse business needs. In context, this investment in Japan outstrips AWS' planned $12.7 billion investment in India, signaling the company's strategic prioritization of the Japanese market for future growth and innovation.
More about Inc Inc is a major player in the retail-catalog and mail-order industry with a market cap of $1.586 trillion. The stock has shown a 1.9% increase in the last trading session, closing at $182.04. The Relative Strength Index (RSI) sits at 53.95, indicating a neutral sentiment. The stock has been showing bullish trends, with a strong support level at $80.79. However, there are potential risks associated with market uncertainties, and past performance may not be indicative of future results.
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