21 Jan 24
Trezor experienced a security breach involving unauthorized access to a third-party service provider, exposing 66,000 customers to the risks of phishing attacks. While there was no loss of funds, customer details may have been accessed, prompting the hardware wallet company to alert affected users a...
Trezor experienced a security breach involving unauthorized access to a third-party service provider, exposing 66,000 customers to the risks of phishing attacks. While there was no loss of funds, customer details may have been accessed, prompting the hardware wallet company to alert affected users and urge them to remain vigilant against phishing attacks. This incident highlights the ongoing threat of phishing attacks in the crypto ecosystem, with millions of dollars lost in 2023 alone.
Prominent hardware wallet company Trezor has revealed a security breach involving unauthorized access to the platform of one of its third-party service providers. Trezor states that there was no loss of funds. However, the security incident has now exposed 66,000 of its customers to the risks of a phishing attack.
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