22 Jan 24
Gemini's recent tweets about XRP have created speculation and excitement in the cryptocurrency community, with many anticipating a possible relisting of XRP on the exchange. The tweets, which included wordplays and riddles related to XRP, have sparked interest and discussion among traders and invest...
Gemini's recent tweets about XRP have created speculation and excitement in the cryptocurrency community, with many anticipating a possible relisting of XRP on the exchange. The tweets, which included wordplays and riddles related to XRP, have sparked interest and discussion among traders and investors. If the exchange decides to relist XRP, it could significantly benefit the cryptocurrency's liquidity and accessibility. The tweets have revived the possibility of XRP returning to Gemini's trading platform, and the exchange has indicated that clarity on the matter will be provided within 24 hours, hinting at a potential announcement of definitive plans very soon.
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