24 Jan 24
Fox Business reporter Eleanor Terrett discusses the uncertainty surrounding the approval of spot Ethereum Exchange-Traded Funds by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. The SEC's resistance, varying expectations from expert figures, and ongoing regulatory uncertainties contribute to the cloud...
Fox Business reporter Eleanor Terrett discusses the uncertainty surrounding the approval of spot Ethereum Exchange-Traded Funds by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. The SEC's resistance, varying expectations from expert figures, and ongoing regulatory uncertainties contribute to the clouded outlook for approval. Despite this, asset managers like BlackRock express hope for approval, with the final decision expected between late January and August 2024.
The approval of spot Ethereum Exchange-Traded Funds faces uncertainty as the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission exhibits resistance. Fox Business reporter Eleanor Terrett sheds light on diverse expectations surrounding the SEC’s stance, revealing potential challenges and conflicting opinions. Terrett anticipates further insights into the SEC’s stance in the coming months, mainly through engagements with S-1 registration forms.
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