25 Jan 24
Telefónica, in partnership with Nova Labs, has deployed Helium Mobile hotspots in Mexico, utilizing the crypto-powered Helium 5G network to offload mobile data traffic and extend coverage. The hotspots are configured to connect to Telefónica's network using customers' existing SIM cards for authenti...
Telefónica, in partnership with Nova Labs, has deployed Helium Mobile hotspots in Mexico, utilizing the crypto-powered Helium 5G network to offload mobile data traffic and extend coverage. The hotspots are configured to connect to Telefónica's network using customers' existing SIM cards for authentication and allow data transmission over the Helium 5G network. The crowdsourced model significantly reduces infrastructure costs, and Telefónica is the first major wireless carrier to offer Helium Mobile hardware directly in Mexico. Nova Labs believes decentralized physical infrastructure networks bring cost efficiencies, and the article was written with the assistance of AI and fact-checked by Andrew Hayward.
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