26 Jan 24
The XRP community is eagerly awaiting the arrival of CBDCs and stablecoins like USDC on the XRP Ledger as the Clawback amendment achieves validator consensus. The XLS-39 amendment, which seeks to introduce the Clawback feature on the XRP Ledger, has surpassed the required 80% threshold after four mo...
The XRP community is eagerly awaiting the arrival of CBDCs and stablecoins like USDC on the XRP Ledger as the Clawback amendment achieves validator consensus. The XLS-39 amendment, which seeks to introduce the Clawback feature on the XRP Ledger, has surpassed the required 80% threshold after four months and is expected to be implemented on Feb. 8 at 14:32 (UTC). The Clawback feature, introduced by RippleX developers, gives more control and security to token issuers and interacts with Trustlines by adding a flag to indicate if the token issuer can use the Clawback feature. This feature, which is optional for developers, allows them to take back tokens from users in specific situations, providing more security and control.
Validators on the XRP Ledger have voted to pass the XLS-39 amendment, which sought to introduce the Clawback feature on the blockchain network. The amendment attained validator consensus four months after it was introduced and surpassed the required 80% threshold. Data from XRPScan, a leading XRPL explorer, shows that the amendment has reached 85.71% validator consensus. The amendment is expected to be implemented on Feb. 8 at 14:32 (UTC).
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