
 29 Jan 24


On January 27, the Jupiter decentralized exchange (DEX) on Solana surpassed Uniswap V3 in daily trading volume, with a liquidity aggregator processing $66.64 billion in transactions. SolanaFloor reported a 24-hour trading volume of nearly $520 million for Jupiter, and the platform is poised to launc...

On January 27, the Jupiter decentralized exchange (DEX) on Solana surpassed Uniswap V3 in daily trading volume, with a liquidity aggregator processing $66.64 billion in transactions. SolanaFloor reported a 24-hour trading volume of nearly $520 million for Jupiter, and the platform is poised to launch its native JUP token by the end of the month. Additionally, Solana's value surged over 5% to approximately $100, driving its market capitalization to $42.5 billion, with analysts foreseeing the potential continuation of its upward trend.

Anchoring the Solana ecosystem, Jupiter DEX's success is attributed to its ability to process a tremendous $66.64 billion in transactions, surpassing Uniswap V3 on the Ethereum market. Notably, the platform peaked at a staggering $16 billion in December, positioning it as the fifth-largest DEX by trading volume. Analysts anticipate a continuation of Solana's impressive performance, with its market capitalization soaring to $42.5 billion and its value reaching nearly $100 before retracing to $98, signifying a robust resurgence. This upward trend is paralleled to last year's remarkable 660% surge, amidst heightened engagement and interest in Solana's ecosystem.

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The opinions expressed by the writers at Grow My Bag are their own and do not reflect the official stance of Grow My Bag. The content provided on our site is not intended as investment advice, and Grow My Bag is not an investment advisor. We do not endorse buying or selling any cryptocurrencies or digital assets mentioned in our articles. High-risk investments in Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, and digital assets require thorough due diligence, and all transfers and trades made are at your own risk. Grow My Bag is not responsible for any potential losses and participates in affiliate marketing.
 9 Jan 25
 9 Jan 25
 9 Jan 25