A Ripple developer has sparked controversy with a proposal for changes to the governance structure of the XRP Ledger Foundation (XRPLF), including new membership classes and a diversified board composition. The proposal has received mixed reactions from the XRPL community and has led to the departur...
A Ripple developer has sparked controversy with a proposal for changes to the governance structure of the XRP Ledger Foundation (XRPLF), including new membership classes and a diversified board composition. The proposal has received mixed reactions from the XRPL community and has led to the departure of some validators. Discussions around the lack of incentives for infrastructure providers on the XRPL have also emerged as a result of the proposal. \
David Fuelling, Director of Software Engineering at RippleX, is advocating for significant changes to the governance structure of the XRP Ledger Foundation. The proposal sets out a plan to establish a community-led governance system. Fuelling believes the XRPLF lacks clarity regarding membership rights and responsibilities, prompting the call for well-defined rules. The proposed changes include the introduction of three membership classes: Individual Members, Corporate Members, and Sustaining Members. Each class has distinct eligibility criteria and membership rights, with yearly membership dues varying accordingly. Fuelling proposes a diversified Board of Directors composition to appeal to the Individual, Corporate, and Sustaining Members. The proposal has triggered a variety of reactions from the XRPL community, with some individuals raising concerns about a potential takeover by Ripple. Additionally, the departure of some validators has sparked discussions around the lack of incentives for infrastructure providers on the XRPL. \
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