
 1 Feb 24


Tesla CEO Elon Musk announced that the electric vehicle maker will soon hold a shareholder vote to transfer its state of incorporation to Texas, following the voiding of Musk's $55B pay package by a Delaware judge. Musk's public poll indicated overwhelming support for the move, and he recommended ag...

Tesla CEO Elon Musk announced that the electric vehicle maker will soon hold a shareholder vote to transfer its state of incorporation to Texas, following the voiding of Musk's $55B pay package by a Delaware judge. Musk's public poll indicated overwhelming support for the move, and he recommended against incorporating a company in Delaware.

Tesla also faces a California lawsuit, with district attorneys from 25 counties alleging the mishandling of hazardous waste materials. The company is accused of intentional disposal of hazardous waste at unauthorized locations, failure to label and store containers properly, and negligence in employee training. While Tesla has implemented remedial measures and does not anticipate a material adverse impact on the business, experts believe that its liability might extend beyond civil penalties.

More about Tesla Inc

Key Financial Metrics:

  • Total Revenue: $596.48 billion
  • Net Income: $43.45 billion
  • Operating Margin: 4.31%
  • Return on Assets: 30.49%
  • Return on Equity: 0.155
  • Total Assets: $96.77 billion
  • Market Cap: $210.57 billion
  • EPS: $1.115
  • Dividend Yield: 0.035%

Stock Performance:

  • Tesla, Inc. is an American electric vehicle and clean energy company based in Palo Alto, California. Tesla's current products include electric cars, battery energy storage from home to grid-scale, solar panels and solar roof tiles, as well as other related products and services.
  • In 2020, Tesla had the highest sales in the plug-in and battery electric passenger car segments, capturing 16% of the plug-in market and 23% of the battery-electric market.
  • Through its subsidiary Tesla Energy, the company develops and is a major installer of solar photovoltaic energy generation systems in the United States. Tesla Energy is also one of the largest global suppliers of battery energy storage systems, with 3 GWh of battery storage supplied in 2020.

Market Sentiment:

  • Tesla's strong performance in the electric car and clean energy market segments suggests a positive market sentiment towards the company's products and services.
  • However, potential risks and uncertainties may arise from regulatory changes, competition, and shifts in consumer preferences, which could impact Tesla's future performance.

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 9 Jan 25
 9 Jan 25
 9 Jan 25