
Meow, the pseudonymous founder of Jupiter, is defending the recent JUP airdrop on Solana amidst criticism. The airdrop, which was the largest of its kind in 2024, has faced backlash due to the establishment of a 250 million JUP launch liquidity pool by the team. Meow has refuted claims of "FUD" and ...

Meow, the pseudonymous founder of Jupiter, is defending the recent JUP airdrop on Solana amidst criticism. The airdrop, which was the largest of its kind in 2024, has faced backlash due to the establishment of a 250 million JUP launch liquidity pool by the team. Meow has refuted claims of "FUD" and explained that the tokens in the launch liquidity pool will be available for seven days before being withdrawn back into the team's treasury or used for other liquidity pools. He has emphasized that all this information was available for potential buyers to understand before the launch.

Jupiter’s pseudonymous founder Meow has heard the complaints about yesterday’s massive JUP airdrop on Solana, and he insists the critics have got it all wrong. Meow has spent much of Thursday thus far responding to and repudiating what he claims is “FUD” around the airdrop, the purpose of the launch pool, and what happens to those tokens once the pool is closed. According to Meow’s tweets and comments, the 250 million JUP provided to the launch liquidity pool will be available for seven days from the launch for anyone to sell into. After that, the tokens will be withdrawn back into the team’s treasury or used to prop up other liquidity pools. Meow elaborated in tweets that this type of approach, with a launch liquidity pool funded by the team amid the large-scale airdrop, is meant to benefit JUP holders.

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 9 Jan 25
 9 Jan 25
 9 Jan 25