22 Feb 24
Blockchain risk management firm Gauntlet has severed its four-year relationship with the decentralized lending platform Aave due to difficulties with the decentralized autonomous organization governing the protocol. Gauntlet served as a "Risk Steward" for Aave, overseeing risk levels and providing u...
Blockchain risk management firm Gauntlet has severed its four-year relationship with the decentralized lending platform Aave due to difficulties with the decentralized autonomous organization governing the protocol. Gauntlet served as a "Risk Steward" for Aave, overseeing risk levels and providing updates to the community. The decision to terminate the relationship was met with backlash from some members of the Aave community, with differing opinions on the motives behind the split. Gauntlet's vice president of growth, Nick Cannon, stated that the decision was made to optimize growth and continue their mission.
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