Injective, a Layer 1 blockchain, has introduced the CW-404 standard, a replica of the ERC-404, to its network, making it more accessible to users and allowing for financial use cases. The CW-404 standard is a way for Injective to bring some of the investment from Ethereum to its own network, and the...
Injective, a Layer 1 blockchain, has introduced the CW-404 standard, a replica of the ERC-404, to its network, making it more accessible to users and allowing for financial use cases. The CW-404 standard is a way for Injective to bring some of the investment from Ethereum to its own network, and the Sushi Fighter NFT collection is the first to utilize this standard, featuring generative profile pictures and custom minting logic. The standard is a port of the ERC-404 and combines the CW-20 and CW-721 standards, which relate to token issuance and NFTs, respectively.
Layer 1 blockchain Injective introduced the CW-404 standard, a replica of the wildly popular experimental token standard ERC-404, for its network on Friday. The Cosmos-based Injective is teaming up with decentralized exchange DojoSwap to offer the CW-404 standard. CW-404 is a port of the ERC-404 and combines the CW-20 and CW-721 standards, which relate to token issuance and NFTs, respectively. ERC-404 is an unofficial Ethereum token standard that allows multiple wallets to directly own a single non-fungible token (NFT) and gives its holders the ability to create a use case where that specific exposure can be tokenized and used to take out loans or stake holdings.
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