
 26 Feb 24


Shiba Inu’s marketing lead Lucie has advised caution to the community following the release of the project’s new NFT collection, Sheboshi NFTs. Using the DN404 standard, these digital collectibles sold out quickly, leading to high demand among holders of Doge Killer and Shiboshis. Lucie emphasized t...

Shiba Inu’s marketing lead Lucie has advised caution to the community following the release of the project’s new NFT collection, Sheboshi NFTs. Using the DN404 standard, these digital collectibles sold out quickly, leading to high demand among holders of Doge Killer and Shiboshis. Lucie emphasized the breeding plan and Shiba Eternity P2E lineup, urging real holders of Shiboshis to overlook the current price. In addition, she warned against fake airdrop announcements and phishing links, urging community members to verify information on official platforms to avoid falling victim to airdrop scams.

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The opinions expressed by the writers at Grow My Bag are their own and do not reflect the official stance of Grow My Bag. The content provided on our site is not intended as investment advice, and Grow My Bag is not an investment advisor. We do not endorse buying or selling any cryptocurrencies or digital assets mentioned in our articles. High-risk investments in Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, and digital assets require thorough due diligence, and all transfers and trades made are at your own risk. Grow My Bag is not responsible for any potential losses and participates in affiliate marketing.
 6 Jan 25
 6 Jan 25
 6 Jan 25