27 Feb 24
BitForex, a top Hong Kong-based crypto exchange, has stopped withdrawals on its platform after over $56 million was taken out of its wallets, with an on-chain investigator reporting "suspicious activity." BitForex users are not getting responses to their inquiries, and the CEO stepped down last mont...
BitForex, a top Hong Kong-based crypto exchange, has stopped withdrawals on its platform after over $56 million was taken out of its wallets, with an on-chain investigator reporting "suspicious activity." BitForex users are not getting responses to their inquiries, and the CEO stepped down last month. Additionally, BitForex holds a significant supply of two altcoins - Tellor Tributes (TRB) and ECOMI (OMI) - and has yet to release a statement about the claims.
A top Hong Kong-based crypto exchange has halted withdrawals on its platform after over $56 million was taken out of its wallets last week. According to on-chain investigator ZachXBT, BitForex engaged in some “suspicious activity” last week. In addition, BitForex users are not having their inquiries answered by officials. Furthermore, BitForex’s CEO stepped down last month. BitForex holds a significant supply of two altcoins - Tellor Tributes (TRB) and ECOMI (OMI). BitForex has yet to release a statement about the claims at time of writing.
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