
 27 Feb 24


Microsoft's investment in AI start-up Mistral AI has raised concerns with the EU's anti-competition agency, signaling a potential formal probe into the collaboration. Mistral's latest language model, Mistral Large, is set to be integrated into Microsoft's Azure cloud computing platform. With a repor...

Microsoft's investment in AI start-up Mistral AI has raised concerns with the EU's anti-competition agency, signaling a potential formal probe into the collaboration. Mistral's latest language model, Mistral Large, is set to be integrated into Microsoft's Azure cloud computing platform. With a reported investment of €15M ($16.3M), Microsoft's move to diversify its AI investments beyond OpenAI may be met with regulatory scrutiny in both the U.S. and the EU. Mistral's AI model has proven to be a strong contender in the field, drawing comparisons to OpenAI's GPT-4.

More about Microsoft Corporation

Microsoft Corporation is a leading American multinational technology company with a strong presence in the computer software, consumer electronics, and personal computers industry. With a market capitalization of $302.82 billion and a stock price of $36.91, the company has shown a steady increase in revenue, with a 2.86% year-over-year growth. The stock has a price-to-earnings ratio of 11.04 and a strong return on equity of 30.61%. The company's stock performance has been positive, with a Relative Strength Index (RSI) of 56.25, indicating a bullish sentiment. However, there is a potential downside risk, with a beta of 0.332, suggesting that the stock is less volatile than the market. Overall, Microsoft Corporation presents a strong financial profile and positive market sentiment, but investors should be aware of potential risks and uncertainties in the market.

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 6 Jan 25
 4 Jan 25
 4 Jan 25