
 27 Feb 24


  Total whitespace or nothing. Microsoft reported strong financial performance in FQ2, with exciting revenue growth and improved operating leverage. This robust performance is underpinned by the strong momentum in the cloud business. Furthermore, the strategic partnership with OpenAI position...


Total whitespace or nothing.

Microsoft reported strong financial performance in FQ2, with exciting revenue growth and improved operating leverage. This robust performance is underpinned by the strong momentum in the cloud business. Furthermore, the strategic partnership with OpenAI positions Microsoft at the forefront of the generative AI revolution, this presents long-term growth potential, making the stock an intriguing choice for forward-looking investors. Additionally, an impressive indicator of strength is seen as Azure gained two percentage points in the infrastructure market share, signaling significant progress. Topping it off, a valuation analysis reinforces the attractiveness of the stock, suggesting a compelling opportunity for investment.

Source: Dair Sansyzbayev

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 2 Jan 25
 2 Jan 25
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