
 28 Feb 24


Gaming giant Ubisoft is preparing to release its first original NFT game, Champions Tactics: Grimoria Chronicles, and has enlisted the support of crypto gaming analytics startup Helika. The partnership will provide on-chain and social analytics, marketing insights, and game management functionality ...

Gaming giant Ubisoft is preparing to release its first original NFT game, Champions Tactics: Grimoria Chronicles, and has enlisted the support of crypto gaming analytics startup Helika. The partnership will provide on-chain and social analytics, marketing insights, and game management functionality for the game's launch on the Oasys blockchain. With a playable demo showcased at the NFT Paris conference, Ubisoft has shown a deepening commitment to exploring the potential of blockchain technology in gaming.

On Tuesday, Ubisoft announced a collaboration with Helika, a firm that provides on-chain and social analytics around games, along with marketing insights and game management functionality. According to the startup, Ubisoft will utilize its various services around the launch of the original role-playing game on the Oasys blockchain.

Champions Tactics: Grimoria Chronicles is set to release in 2024, with Ubisoft showcasing a playable demo for the first time last week at the NFT Paris conference. The company released a free mint of Ethereum NFT profile picture (PFP) characters in December, which now start at almost $400 worth of ETH on secondary marketplaces.

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 6 Jan 25
 6 Jan 25
 6 Jan 25