Zoniqx, formerly known as Tassets, has partnered with Ripple to use Ripple’s XRP Ledger (XRPL) capabilities to make tokenization more efficient, accessible, and liquid within the digital asset marketplace. The partnership combines the XRPL infrastructure with Zoniqx’s services, aiming to simplify th...
Zoniqx, formerly known as Tassets, has partnered with Ripple to use Ripple’s XRP Ledger (XRPL) capabilities to make tokenization more efficient, accessible, and liquid within the digital asset marketplace. The partnership combines the XRPL infrastructure with Zoniqx’s services, aiming to simplify the tokenizing real-world assets and improve the efficiency and accessibility of digital assets. While the collaboration has generated excitement and high expectations, Ripple continues to face legal challenges, with a class action lawsuit alleging XRP sales violations.
Prasanth Kalangi, CEO and Founder of Zoniqx expressed enthusiasm about the partnership, pointing out its ability to create new benchmarks in digital asset management. Markus Infanger, SVP of RippleX, shared a similar perspective, noting the importance of integration in furthering the Internet of Value. Following the partnership, X’s comments show the excitement and high expectations of the collaboration. For instance, BuyTheCryptoDip commented that “2024 is the year of TOKENIZATION,” highlighting the anticipated impact of this alliance. Moreover, insights from WrathofKahneman on X shed light on Zoniqx’s ambitions and its expansion plans in Silicon Valley, MENA, and Asian markets.
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