28 Feb 24
Fidelity Investments is advocating for modest crypto allocations, allowing investors to gain exposure to the overall cryptocurrency market at their own risk choice. BlackRock also advises investors to allocate a significant portion of their investments to Bitcoin. Other asset managers like Ark Inves...
Fidelity Investments is advocating for modest crypto allocations, allowing investors to gain exposure to the overall cryptocurrency market at their own risk choice. BlackRock also advises investors to allocate a significant portion of their investments to Bitcoin. Other asset managers like Ark Invest and SkyBridge Capital have also provided suggestions for optimal Bitcoin allocation.
An authorized major asset management firm offering Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) to its clients suggests broadening their perspective on crypto assets by diversifying a portion of their wealth across the entire asset class, not just limited to Bitcoin.
Fidelity Investments advocates for four distinct ETF products categorized by risk levels. The ETF with the lowest risk holds 1% of assets in crypto. Fidelity is now allowing everyday investors to gain exposure to the overall cryptocurrency market at their own risk choice, ranging from 1% to 3%. BlackRock also advises clients to consider exposure to Bitcoin, suggesting an 84.9% allocation to the digital asset.
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