29 Feb 24
Two wallets containing funds seized by the U.S. government in the Bitfinex hack have transferred nearly $1 billion of bitcoin to unidentified addresses. The motive or purpose of these transactions is unclear, and the U.S. government has not provided any immediate comment. The transfers occurred duri...
Two wallets containing funds seized by the U.S. government in the Bitfinex hack have transferred nearly $1 billion of bitcoin to unidentified addresses. The motive or purpose of these transactions is unclear, and the U.S. government has not provided any immediate comment. The transfers occurred during a volatile day of cryptocurrency trading, with the price of bitcoin hitting $60,000 for the first time since November 2021.
A wallet that's one of at least three tagged by the blockchain-data firm Arkham Intelligence as holding seized Bitfinex hacker funds, on behalf of the government, initially transferred 1 BTC around 18:39 UTC (1:39 pm ET). Roughly a half-hour later, the remaining 2,817 BTC in the wallet were sent, leaving the wallet empty. Together they represented about $173 million worth of bitcoin.
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