VanEck has made significant strides into the crypto industry with its spot Bitcoin Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) and its latest venture, SegMint, a non-fungible token (NFT) marketplace and digital asset platform. The introduction of the “Lock & Key Model” feature aims to simplify the management of self...
VanEck has launched its spot Bitcoin Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) called “HODL” and its latest venture, SegMint, a non-fungible token (NFT) marketplace and digital asset platform. SegMint introduces the “Lock & Key Model” feature to simplify the management of self-custodied assets by addressing shared ownership and access in today’s digital age. VanEck aims to democratize digital asset management by targeting crypto-native users with the Lock & Key model, making it more accessible and secure. The SegMint platform offers several features to enhance digital asset management, including SegMint Safes and NFT’s minting capabilities with IP protection toolkit. Access to VanEck’s SegMint platform may be limited based on the user’s country of residence, but it is expected to generate interest primarily in Europe and Asia. Overall, VanEck’s entry into the NFT market represents a significant development in the digital asset ecosystem.
Global asset manager VanEck has recently made significant strides into the crypto industry by launching its spot Bitcoin Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) called “HODL.” Building on this success, VanEck has unveiled its latest venture, SegMint, a non-fungible token (NFT) marketplace and digital asset platform. According to Wednesday’s announcement, SegMint aims to simplify the management of self-custodied assets by introducing the “Lock & Key Model” feature, which addresses shared ownership and access in today’s digital age.
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