Tim Buckley, CEO of Vanguard, is set to retire, sparking speculation about the company's stance on bitcoin ETFs as other major U.S. financial institutions have embraced them. The company's VOO ETF has outperformed BlackRock's spot bitcoin ETF, and CoinDesk, an award-winning media outlet, covers the ...
Tim Buckley, CEO of Vanguard, is set to retire, sparking speculation about the company's stance on bitcoin ETFs as other major U.S. financial institutions have embraced them. The company's VOO ETF has outperformed BlackRock's spot bitcoin ETF, and CoinDesk, an award-winning media outlet, covers the cryptocurrency industry.
While other major U.S. financial institutions have embraced the recently approved bitcoin ETFs, Vanguard has stood out for not allowing its brokerage customers to do so. The Thursday announcement of Buckley's impending departure has some wondering on social media whether this has something to do with that stance – and whether Vanguard might change its mind under new leadership. Whether it even needs to bother is another question. Bloomberg analyst James Seyffart noted Thursday that one of Vanguard's ETFs, VOO, which tracks the S&P 500 Index, has attracted $15.7 billion in net new money so far this year, double what BlackRock's spot bitcoin ETF, IBIT, has collected. Vanguard is "doing just fine my friends," Seyffart posted on X.
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