1 Mar 24
MixMob, a Solana-based gaming brand, has announced that it will be adding the iconic Stormtrooper character from “Star Wars: A New Hope” as an NFT collectible and playable character for its Racer 1 game. The deal for this character was made with Shepperton Design Studios and original “Star Wars” pro...
MixMob, a Solana-based gaming brand, has announced that it will be adding the iconic Stormtrooper character from “Star Wars: A New Hope” as an NFT collectible and playable character for its Racer 1 game. The deal for this character was made with Shepperton Design Studios and original “Star Wars” prop maker Andrew Ainsworth, not with Disney or Lucasfilm. While MixMob cannot use Star Wars branding, it plans to introduce other licensed characters and content into its game. The sale details for the Stormtrooper NFTs have not yet been revealed, but priority access to the mint will be given to owners of MixMob's Gen0 Masks and Gen0 MixBots NFTs. Additionally, MixMob’s Solana-based governance token, MXM, has seen a nearly 15% increase in price.
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