5 Mar 24
\Nigeria has recently joined the global crackdown on alleged money laundering and terrorist financing within the crypto industry, with the House of Representatives Committee on Financial Crimes summoning Binance chief executive Richard Teng. The committee has given Binance and its CEO a seven-day ul...
Nigeria has recently joined the global crackdown on alleged money laundering and terrorist financing within the crypto industry, with the House of Representatives Committee on Financial Crimes summoning Binance chief executive Richard Teng. The committee has given Binance and its CEO a seven-day ultimatum to appear before them following allegations of involvement in financial crimes.
According to a local media report, the committee has given Binance and its CEO a seven-day ultimatum to appear before them following allegations of involvement in financial crimes. Binance, the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange, has been flagged by the Central Bank of Nigeria for its alleged illicit activities. Ginger Onwusibe, the Chairman of the Financial Crimes Committee, expressed concern over Binance’s refusal to respond to previous invitations. Onwusibe sternly warned that the committee would exercise its constitutional powers if Binance failed to comply with the summons. The allegations of terrorism financing, money laundering, and tax evasion among others leveled against Binance are deemed as damning enough.
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