
 5 Mar 24


Singapore-based Temasek is in discussions about investing in Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT)-backed OpenAI, marking the first time a state-backed group would fund the AI startup, according to The Financial Times. Senior executives at Temasek have met OpenAI's CEO Sam Altman several times, but more recent di...

Singapore-based Temasek is in discussions about investing in Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT)-backed OpenAI, marking the first time a state-backed group would fund the AI startup, according to The Financial Times. Senior executives at Temasek have met OpenAI's CEO Sam Altman several times, but more recent discussions have included OpenAI. The tentative but ongoing discussions come as Altman aims to fund plans to launch a semiconductor business, reducing OpenAI's dependence on advance chips made by Nvidia. Microsoft, the largest investor in OpenAI, has committed billions of dollars to the company and is expected to hold a nonvoting observer seat on OpenAI's board.

The investment discussions between Temasek and OpenAI demonstrate a potential shift in the landscape of AI funding, with broader implications for technological innovation in the market. Altman's plans to reduce OpenAI's reliance on Nvidia chips through a semiconductor business, coupled with Microsoft's significant investment, highlight the strategic importance of this potential collaboration. However, the ongoing lossmaking nature of OpenAI, as acknowledged by Altman, raises questions about the long-term financial viability of the company and the potential impact on investor sentiment.

More about Microsoft Corporation

Microsoft Corporation is a major player in the technology industry, with a focus on services and prepackaged software. With a market capitalization of $3.087 trillion, the stock is currently trading at $420.50 per share with a P/E ratio of 37.58. The company has shown a steady growth rate of 11.04% and a healthy return on equity of 30.61%. Market sentiment appears positive, as indicated by a relative strength index (RSI) of 63. The stock is currently trading above its 50-day and 200-day moving averages, suggesting a bullish trend. However, it's important to note that past performance is not always indicative of future results, and there are potential risks and uncertainties in the market that could impact the stock's performance.

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 3 Jan 25
 3 Jan 25
 3 Jan 25