
Astar, a leading blockchain network in the Japanese Web3 community, announced the full integration of its Astar zkEVM into Polygon’s new AggLayer, providing unified liquidity by connecting blockchains with zero-knowledge proofs. The integration, powered by Polygon’s CDK, allows Astar users to access...

Astar, a leading blockchain network in the Japanese Web3 community, announced the full integration of its Astar zkEVM into Polygon’s new AggLayer, providing unified liquidity by connecting blockchains with zero-knowledge proofs. The integration, powered by Polygon’s CDK, allows Astar users to access Polygon ecosystem liquidity and conduct cross-chain transactions, making the experience seamless. The AggLayer, live since February, aims to address blockchain shortcomings and unify various blockchain projects using Polygon’s technology, setting the stage for internet-scale capabilities in the world of crypto.

Astar zkEVM is powered by Polygon’s Chain Development Kit (CDK), a customizable framework that lets users build their own zero-knowledge blockchains using Polygon’s technology. By plugging into the AggLayer, Astar users will have access to the liquidity in the Polygon ecosystem, allowing cross-chain transactions between Astar and Polygon zkEVM, making the experience feel like a single chain. Polygon’s AggLayer went live in February, aiming to address the shortcomings of blockchains, connecting Polygon’s various layers. The AggLayer has become a central component in Polygon’s new roadmap, with the aim of unifying various blockchain projects spun up using Polygon’s technology. "Today is an important first step to welcome communities to a seamless multi-chain ecosystem,” said Sandeep Nailwal, co-founder of Polygon, in a press release. “With Astar and numerous other ZK-powered chains onboarding soon, Polygon CDK and AggLayer are poised to bring internet-scale capabilities to the world of crypto."

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 3 Jan 25
 3 Jan 25
 3 Jan 25