The Spanish government has ordered Worldcoin to cease collecting personal data in the nation due to complaints from customers, with the AEPD mandating the cessation of data collection and the blocking of already collected data. Additionally, a lawsuit has been filed by Elon Musk against Sam Altman a...
The Spanish government has ordered Worldcoin to cease collecting personal data in the nation due to complaints from customers, with the AEPD mandating the cessation of data collection and the blocking of already collected data. Additionally, a lawsuit has been filed by Elon Musk against Sam Altman and OpenAI, alleging a breach of the founding agreement, while Worldcoin is currently trading at $7.08, showing a 1.75% increase in the last 24 hours.
The Spanish Data Collection Agency (AEPD) has issued a press release mandating that Worldcoin stop collecting personal data in Spain after receiving multiple complaints that its data-gathering process infringed upon users. Furthermore, the AEPD states that it will block data already collected by the eye-scanning digital identification project. Last year, Worldcoin, co-founded by Sam Altman of OpenAI, had its operations paused in Brazil, India, and France, causing a 20% price drop. Moreover, billionaire and business magnate Elon Musk has filed a lawsuit against Sam Altman and OpenAI, claiming that the firm breached its founding agreement over the use of GPT-4 for profit rather than the benefit of humanity.
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