11 Mar 24
South Korea’s National Tax Service is taking proactive steps to tackle tax evasion in the realm of virtual assets, as the market is rapidly regaining attention. By developing a comprehensive virtual asset management system and partnering with GTIC, the National Tax Service aims to prevent tax evasio...
South Korea’s National Tax Service is taking proactive steps to tackle tax evasion in the realm of virtual assets, as the market is rapidly regaining attention. By developing a comprehensive virtual asset management system and partnering with GTIC, the National Tax Service aims to prevent tax evasion, mitigate illegal activities, and increase transparency in virtual asset transactions. The efforts also align with a broader commitment to global regulatory standards and transparency, as South Korea aims to promote fair taxation methods and fight illegal activities in the virtual asset space.
- The South Korean National Tax Service has developed a virtual asset management system to combat tax evasion and ensure compliance. - Partnership with GTIC accelerates construction of ‘Virtual Asset Integrated Management System’ for transparent transactions. - Tightening regulations on virtual assets aligns with South Korea’s proactive approach.
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