11 Mar 24
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has adopted Cardano to secure its criminal investigations. The Dubai Police presented a Cardano-based pilot project at the World Police Summit, showcasing the secure sharing of sensitive data related to criminal investigations with international stakeholders. The proje...
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has adopted Cardano to secure its criminal investigations. The Dubai Police presented a Cardano-based pilot project at the World Police Summit, showcasing the secure sharing of sensitive data related to criminal investigations with international stakeholders. The project highlighted the high level of security involved in sharing forensic information, emphasizing the blockchain's ability to securely manage and share data. This adoption illustrates the advanced use cases of blockchain technology for transparent data management in a decentralized network.
At the recent World Police Summit in Dubai, the Dubai Police demonstrated a Cardano-based pilot project focused on data management capabilities, emphasizing the secure sharing of sensitive information with international stakeholders involved in criminal investigations. The project showcased the blockchain's high level of security in managing and sharing forensic information, ultimately underscoring the advanced use cases for blockchain technology in transparent data management.
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