Bitcoin has reached a new all-time high, surpassing $71,000 and flipping silver's market capitalization. The price broke above $70,000 for the first time ever, with the Bitcoin price climbing to $71,239.37 at the time of writing. Ethereum also reclaimed $4,000 and is expected to see a new upgrade th...
Bitcoin has reached a new all-time high, surpassing $71,000 and flipping silver's market capitalization. The price broke above $70,000 for the first time ever, with the Bitcoin price climbing to $71,239.37 at the time of writing. Ethereum also reclaimed $4,000 and is expected to see a new upgrade that will make transactions faster and cheaper.
Bitcoin has increasingly been referred to as "digital gold," and has recently flipped silver's market capitalization on its way past $71,000, setting a new all-time high. The price began climbing and was $71,239.37 at the time of writing, gaining 2.7% since yesterday and 11.4% since last week. Ethereum, on the other hand, reclaimed $4,000 and is expected to roll out the Dencun upgrade, making transactions faster and cheaper.
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