
 11 Mar 24


This article reports on the European Commission's alleged infringements of data protection rules linked to its operation of Microsoft's 365 product suite, according to the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS). In particular, the Commission is accused of failing to provide adequate safeguards f...

This article reports on the European Commission's alleged infringements of data protection rules linked to its operation of Microsoft's 365 product suite, according to the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS). In particular, the Commission is accused of failing to provide adequate safeguards for personal data transferred outside the EU/European Economic Area, and of not specifying the types of personal data collected and the purposes for which they are used. Furthermore, the EDPS has ordered the Commission to suspend all data flows resulting from its use of Microsoft 365 to Microsoft and its affiliates located outside the EU/EEA, not covered by an adequacy decision, by December 9, 2024. In addition, the Commission is required to bring its processing operations into compliance with EU rules by the end of this year.

More about Microsoft Corporation

Microsoft Corporation is a leading American multinational technology company with a market capitalization of $301.8 billion. The stock is currently trading at $36.76 with a 52-week range of $30.61 to $456.81. The company has a Price/Earnings ratio of 2.86 and a dividend yield of 1.76%. Microsoft is a major player in the technology industry, known for its software products such as Microsoft Windows and Office suite, as well as hardware products like Xbox and Microsoft Surface. The stock has shown strong performance in the past, but it is important to consider potential risks and uncertainties given the volatility of the market.

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 31 Dec 24
 31 Dec 24
 31 Dec 24