
 13 Mar 24


Microsoft's recent price hikes on cloud and on-premise products are expected to result in incremental revenue gains for the company. The cost of Microsoft Cloud services increased by 6% to 12% in select markets last month, with additional increases planned for the coming months, including a 20% hike...

Microsoft's recent price hikes on cloud and on-premise products are expected to result in incremental revenue gains for the company. The cost of Microsoft Cloud services increased by 6% to 12% in select markets last month, with additional increases planned for the coming months, including a 20% hike in Japan and a 7% increase in China. Microsoft plans to continue evaluating pricing in local currency, with potential for more fluctuations in the future. Analysts anticipate a positive impact on Microsoft's Cloud revenue growth, particularly in Japan, and note that Microsoft's Azure platform continues to gain market share, with expectations for stable or accelerating results in the coming quarter. Despite the price increases, Wells Fargo maintains an Overweight rating and a $460 price target on Microsoft. Seeking Alpha analysts and Wall Street analysts also hold positive ratings for the company, while Seeking Alpha's quant system rates it as HOLD.

Looking ahead, Microsoft's price adjustments are seen as a potential driver for revenue growth, particularly in the Cloud segment, with regions such as Japan expected to have an outsized impact. The company's Azure platform continues to perform well, and expectations for stable or accelerating results in the upcoming quarter are projected by analysts. Despite the price increases, Wells Fargo remains bullish on Microsoft, maintaining an Overweight rating and a $460 price target. Seeking Alpha and Wall Street analysts also hold positive ratings, while Seeking Alpha's quant system rates the stock as a HOLD.

More about Microsoft Corporation

Microsoft Corporation is a leading American multinational technology company, with a strong presence in the software, consumer electronics, and personal computing industries. With a total revenue of $308.57 billion and a market capitalization of $2.27 trillion, Microsoft has consistently demonstrated its financial strength and market dominance. The stock has shown a steady performance, with a 52-week high of $456.81 and a low of $308.57, indicating a relatively stable trading range. The company's stock has also demonstrated a bullish trend, with a 30-day moving average of 37.58 and a Relative Strength Index (RSI) of 30.61, suggesting strong buying momentum. However, it is important to note that past performance is not always indicative of future results, and potential risks and uncertainties in the market should be considered.

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 31 Dec 24
 31 Dec 24
 31 Dec 24