Microsoft (MSFT) announced that its Copilot for Security tool will be generally available on April 1, with new capabilities. The tool, which uses generative artificial intelligence, allows cybersecurity professionals to summarize incidents, analyze vulnerable areas, and share information. Microsoft ...
Microsoft (MSFT) announced that its Copilot for Security tool will be generally available on April 1, with new capabilities. The tool, which uses generative artificial intelligence, allows cybersecurity professionals to summarize incidents, analyze vulnerable areas, and share information. Microsoft also announced a pricing change for Copilot for Security, charging businesses $4 per hour of usage as part of a "pay as you go model." Approximately 300 customers are already using the tool, which Microsoft believes will help security and IT professionals catch what others miss, move faster, and strengthen team expertise.
More about Microsoft Corporation
Microsoft Corporation is a leading American multinational technology company in the information technology industry. With a market capitalization of $3.08 trillion and a stock price of $456.81, it is a major player in the services-prepackaged software sector. The stock has shown a 2.86% increase in recent trading, with a 11.05 P/E ratio and a 30.61 forward P/E ratio. The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is at 37.58, indicating a potential undervaluation of the stock. The company's revenue stands at $227.58 billion, with a healthy profit margin of 36.3%. Microsoft's strong performance and market sentiment suggest a bullish trend, but potential risks and uncertainties should be carefully considered given the volatile nature of the stock market.
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