15 Mar 24
VeVe has recently launched the VeVe Comics platform and digital comic book reader with the first batch of comic books from Marvel Comics. Fans now have access to over 300 new Marvel digital issues, including popular heroes like Spider-Man, X-Men, Captain Marvel, and Black Panther. These digital issu...
VeVe has recently launched the VeVe Comics platform and digital comic book reader with the first batch of comic books from Marvel Comics. Fans now have access to over 300 new Marvel digital issues, including popular heroes like Spider-Man, X-Men, Captain Marvel, and Black Panther. These digital issues can be purchased as standard digital comic books or as limited-edition NFT versions, which can be resold and experienced in augmented reality.
VeVe's comic book platform is a unique addition to the industry, as it offers an immersive experience through augmented reality and a marketplace for NFT versions. The new app is available for free download on iOS and Android, with plans to expand alliances across the comic book industry. Founded in 2018, VeVe specializes in digital collectibles and is known for its commitment to providing interactive experiences for digital comics fans.
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