
 15 Mar 24


French Montana, the highest-streaming African-born artist, has made history by inscribing an entire song into the Bitcoin blockchain, becoming the first mainstream artist to do so. The song "Bag Curious" has been celebrated as the third-largest Ordinal inscription ever, numbered 64333690, with a siz...

French Montana, the highest-streaming African-born artist, has made history by inscribing an entire song into the Bitcoin blockchain, becoming the first mainstream artist to do so. The song "Bag Curious" has been celebrated as the third-largest Ordinal inscription ever, numbered 64333690, with a size of 3.956 megabytes, occupying the entire block #834,618. This groundbreaking event not only showcases French Montana's innovative approach to music distribution but also solidifies Ordinals as a viable platform for artists seeking immutable, censorship-resistant methods to share their work.

French Montana, recognized as the highest-streaming African-born artist with over 40 billion streams, has set a new precedent in the music and crypto realms by becoming the first mainstream artist to inscribe an entire song into the Bitcoin blockchain. The announcement, made through the Mac & Cheese 5 account on X (formerly Twitter) on March 14, introduces “Bag Curious,” a hidden track from the Mac & Cheese 5 album now permanently inscribed into the world’s most secure decentralized system via Bitcoin’s Proof of Work. The Mac & Cheese 5 account detailed the process, stating, “An unreleased track by French Montana titled ‘Bag Curious,’ has been inscribed into Bitcoin, marking him as the first mainstream artist to inscribe a complete song into the most robust cloud system, which is fueled by Proof of Work. This development is unchangeable and cannot be censored, making it a historic moment.”

The significance of this event is heightened by the fact that the MP4 file of “Bag Curious” occupied an entire BTC block, a feat underscored by French Montana himself: “Launched the freshest music ordinal out there! Snagged an entire block from Marathon Digital all with that Ordinalsbot sorcery. Our legacy on Bitcoin forever with #brc420 today for anyone to own history!” This inscription has been celebrated as the third-largest Ordinal inscription ever, a notable achievement that underscores the innovative use of the Ordinals protocol for purposes beyond financial transactions. The Ordinals account, Ord.io, acknowledged the milestone on X: “BREAKING: French Montana just dropped his newest song Bag Curious by inscribing it into Bitcoin in the third largest Ordinal inscription ever!” The inscription is numbered 64333690, has a size of 3.956 megabyte, and occupies the entire block #834,618. Furthermore, the groundbreaking nature of this inscription not only showcases French Montana’s innovative approach to music distribution but also solidifies Ordinals as a viable platform for artists seeking immutable, censorship-resistant methods to share their work.

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The opinions expressed by the writers at Grow My Bag are their own and do not reflect the official stance of Grow My Bag. The content provided on our site is not intended as investment advice, and Grow My Bag is not an investment advisor. We do not endorse buying or selling any cryptocurrencies or digital assets mentioned in our articles. High-risk investments in Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, and digital assets require thorough due diligence, and all transfers and trades made are at your own risk. Grow My Bag is not responsible for any potential losses and participates in affiliate marketing.
 31 Dec 24
 31 Dec 24
 31 Dec 24