
The popular Japanese anime and manga series "Attack on Titan" is collaborating with The Sandbox, an Ethereum metaverse game, to create an interactive "Attack on Titan Land" within The Sandbox's virtual world. The collaboration, authorized by IP owner Kodansha Ltd., aims to bring the post-apocalyptic...


"Attack on Titan" is partnering with The Sandbox to create "Attack on Titan Land," an interactive virtual world within the Ethereum metaverse game. This collaboration, authorized by Kodansha Ltd., will bring the post-apocalyptic world of the franchise to life in a new format, including the sale of virtual real estate via NFTs in The Sandbox's "Attack on Titan" area. The themed environment is scheduled to launch later this year.

The Sandbox, known for digital land and asset ownership, has previously collaborated with various brands and celebrities. This foray into the crypto gaming world aims to engage the global fanbase of "Attack on Titan," a series renowned for its gripping storyline of humanity's battle against giant humanoid creatures called Titans.

With over 100 million copies of the manga in circulation worldwide, "Attack on Titan" has amassed a massive following. The Sandbox, an Ethereum metaverse game, offers virtual land holders the ability to build, share, and monetize their own parts of the digital world. Past collaborations of The Sandbox include partnerships with Snoop Dogg, Gucci, Paris Hilton, The Smurfs, and Warner Music Group.

This partnership represents a fascinating intersection of popular culture, virtual reality, and blockchain technology, setting the stage for an immersive and groundbreaking experience for fans of the franchise and crypto enthusiasts alike.


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 17 Oct 24
 17 Oct 24
 17 Oct 24