
 24 Jul 24


Coinbase is serving as a custodian for eight of the nine newly approved Ethereum (ETH) exchange-traded funds (ETFs), with Fidelity being the only exception. The ETFs, including products from BlackRock, Fidelity, 21Shares, Invesco, Franklin Templeton, VanEck, Bitwise, and two from Grayscale, began tr...

Coinbase is serving as a custodian for eight of the newly approved Ethereum exchange-traded funds (ETFs), with Fidelity being the only exception. The ETFs, including products from BlackRock, Fidelity, 21Shares, Invesco, Franklin Templeton, VanEck, Bitwise, and two from Grayscale, began trading in the US. VanEck names Gemini as its primary custodian but will also use Coinbase Custody as an "additional custodian." Coinbase's CEO, Brian Armstrong, sees the launches as a significant step for regulatory clarity, emphasizing that ETH is not a security.

On the first day, Ethereum ETFs experienced around $165 million in outflows, primarily due to funds leaving Grayscale's ETF product. These numbers exclude totals from BlackRock and Invesco. Of the nine newly approved Ethereum ETFs, only Fidelity isn’t tapping Coinbase as a custodian, with the firm choosing to use itself instead, according to a graphic shared by James Seyffart, an ETF research analyst at Bloomberg Intelligence. VanEck names Gemini as a primary custodian for its ETF but says in its filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) that it will utilize Coinbase Custody as an “additional custodian.”

More about Tanzanian Royalty Exploration Corp

Tanzanian Royalty Exploration Corp, Tanzanian Gold Corporation is engaged in the exploration and development of mineral property interests in the United Republic of Tanzania. The company is headquartered in Vancouver, Canada.



Market Cap: 116,945,000

Dividend Yield: None

EPS: None

P/E Ratio: 0

Forward P/E: 0.127

PEG Ratio: -0.0306

Volume: 36,723,000

Market Cap (Intraday): 1.38

Beta (3Y Monthly): 2.549

52-Week Change: 0.625


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 13 Sep 24
 13 Sep 24
 13 Sep 24