
 29 Jul 24


Ethereum layer 2 network Base plans to upgrade its gas target to 10MGas/second on July 30, aiming to drive innovation and developer engagement. The upgrade follows previous successes and is expected to attract more users seeking faster and scalable networks. The network has seen recent increases in ...

Ethereum layer 2 network Base is set to raise its gas target to 10MGas/second on July 30, in a move aimed at driving innovation and attracting developers. The increase in gas target, expected to double digits, is anticipated to enhance efficiency and scalability, garnering enthusiasm from the crypto community.

Recent upgrades on the Base network have led to a surge in transactions per second (TPS), signaling growth and development. The upcoming exodus upgrade is designed to increase transactions per block, attract developers, and foster innovation.

Node operators are advised to follow a checklist provided by Base to ensure readiness for the increased network activity, with the network targeting more economic freedom and enhanced innovation through the upgrade.

In a recent announcement, Jesse Pollak, Base builder, revealed that the platform will raise the gas target to 10MGas/second on July 30, marking a new phase in double digits gas per second. The increase has been met with enthusiasm from devs seeking better efficiency.

Base's recent milestone achievement of raising the target from 8.75Mgas/sec to 9.375Mgas/s has set the stage for the upcoming increase to 10Mgas/sec, with the community expecting further growth in the ecosystem.

With the increase in TPS and the network's aspirations for innovation and scalability, this upgrade is poised to make Base an even more compelling platform for developers and users alike.

More about Telephone and Data Systems Inc

Company: Telephone and Data Systems Inc

Industry: Technology, Telephone Communications (No Radiotelephone)

Market Cap: 2385493000

Dividend Yield: 0.745

EPS: -4.88

P/E Ratio: 45.3

Beta: -0.0936

Revenue: 5119000000

ROE: 21

Net Margin: -0.118

Current Ratio: -0.031


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