
 30 Jul 24


Bybit, the world's second-largest crypto exchange, has introduced support for Digital Rupee (eRupee) payments to address issues with traditional banking methods. This move aims to facilitate seamless trading among merchants and mitigate security risks. Bybit's initiative reflects the ongoing trend o...

Bybit, the world's second-largest crypto exchange, has integrated support for Digital Rupee (eRupee) payments to address traditional banking issues and enhance security. The move aims to facilitate seamless trading for INR users and mitigate security risks, reflecting the ongoing trend of digital asset exchanges integrating new payment methods amidst increasing competition.

Joan Han, Bybit’s sales and marketing director, emphasized that the integration of eRupee payments is expected to improve the payment experience for INR users and attract a wider pool of merchants to the platform, driving business growth and expanding Bybit’s market reach.

The support for Digital Rupee has been well-received by the crypto community, signaling increased community participation and fostering trust and reliability in transactions. Bybit aims for wider adoption and merchant participation through the integration of eRupee payments, aligning with the global trend of rising crypto use cases and cross-border settlements.


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 31 Jan 25
 31 Jan 25
 31 Jan 25