
Popular on-chain analyst Willy Woo believes that the US government will eventually return almost 100,000 seized Bitcoin to their rightful owners. He argues that about half of the US government's Bitcoin stockpile belongs to the crypto exchange Bitfinex, with 96,000 BTC being from the Bitfinex hack. ...

Popular on-chain analyst Willy Woo predicts that the US government will eventually return nearly 100,000 seized Bitcoin (BTC) to their rightful owners. He argues that about half of the US government's Bitcoin stockpile belongs to the crypto exchange Bitfinex, with 96,000 BTC being from the Bitfinex hack. Woo anticipates that, after due process, these stolen funds will be returned to Bitfinex. He also suggests that Bitfinex and its sister company Tether may seek legal action to recover the Bitcoin stash, as they have the financial means to do so.

Woo predicts that if legal action is taken, Bitfinex will likely keep it low-key and out of the public eye. As of the current time, the US government holds 213,246 BTC worth $12.113 billion, while stablecoin issuer Tether has 75,354 BTC worth $4.28 billion in its treasury.

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Stock Analysis Summary

Company: Emeren Group Ltd, ReneSola Ltd

Industry: Manufacturing, Semiconductors & Related Devices

Market Cap: 88786000

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EPS: -0.68

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 13 Sep 24
 13 Sep 24
 13 Sep 24