
 31 Aug 24


The legal issues surrounding Pavel Durov have impacted Telegram's IPO prospects and investor confidence. Following Durov's arrest in France on criminal charges, Telegram bonds plunged 10 points. The company's plans for an IPO have been disrupted due to accusations of failing to address criminal acti...

Telegram's CEO legal issues have impacted the company's IPO prospects and investor confidence, leading to uncertainty in the market. Following Pavel Durov's arrest in France on criminal charges, Telegram bonds plummeted 10 points, reflecting the significant impact of the situation. The company's plans for an IPO have been disrupted due to accusations of failing to address criminal activities on its platform, further exacerbating the negative impact on investor confidence. This has resulted in a sharp drop in the prices of Telegram-based tokens, Toncoin and Notcoin, reflecting the unease in the market.

Telegram's plans for an Initial Public Offering (IPO) in the next two years have faced a setback due to criminal charges against its CEO, Pavel Durov. French authorities accused the company of failing to address criminal activities on its platform, including the publication of child sexual abuse material. Despite efforts to raise revenue ahead of a potential IPO by 2026, the company's 2023 financial statements revealed a revenue of $342 million last year but an operating loss of $108 million. The recent legal issues have negatively impacted investor confidence, with the price of Telegram’s bonds dropping nearly 10% and trading at around 87 cents on the dollar, yielding over 16%.

Furthermore, the legal battle and its potential impact on Telegram’s reputation could pose challenges for any future stock market listing. These legal issues have also affected the broader crypto market, particularly Telegram-based tokens. Toncoin and Notcoin have both experienced significant declines following Durov’s arrest, signaling the broader impact of these events on the cryptocurrency market.

More about Sun Life Financial Inc.

Sun Life Financial Inc., a financial services company, provides insurance, wealth and asset management solutions to individuals and corporate clients around the world. The company is headquartered in Toronto, Canada.

Industry: Finance

Sector: Life Insurance

Market Cap: 31,286,858,000

Current Price: $13.78

Dividend Yield: 3.12%

Price/Earnings Ratio: 3.93

52-Week High: $54.75

52-Week Low: $0.099

Revenue: 31,947,990,000

EPS: $56.89

Return on Equity: -1.1%

Profit Margin: 7.2%

More about Alpha Pro Tech Ltd

Alpha Pro Tech Ltd,Alpha Pro Tech, Ltd., develops, manufactures and markets a range of disposable protective garments, infection control and construction products in the United States and internationally. The company is headquartered in Markham, Canada.


Market Cap: 67936000

Dividend Yield: 14.8

EPS: None

P/E Ratio: 0.4

Current Ratio: 5.33

Beta: 0.0771

Shares Outstanding: 61090000

Revenue: 16.75

Gross Margin: 0.545

Operating Margin: 0.011

More about Ultragenyx

Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical Inc., a biopharmaceutical company, focuses on the identification, acquisition, development, and commercialization of novel products for the treatment of rare and ultra-rare genetic diseases in the United States. The company is headquartered in Novato, California.



Employees: 5326227000

Revenue: $481303000

Market Cap: $89.8

EPS: -7.11

P/E Ratio: 5.95

Dividend Yield: -1.216

Beta: 0.357

More about Emeren Group Ltd

Emeren Group Ltd, develops, builds, operates and sells solar energy projects. The company is headquartered in Stamford, Connecticut.


Revenue: 96359000

Net Income: None

Earnings Per Share: None

Dividend: -0.31

Shares Outstanding (in million): 1.915

Market Cap: -0.163

Volume: 103577000

Price to Earnings Ratio: 4.38

Return on Equity: -0.924

Beta: -0.112


More about Forum Energy Technologies Inc

Forum Energy Technologies Inc,Forum Energy Technologies, Inc. designs, manufactures, and distributes products for the oil and natural gas industry in the United States and internationally. The company is headquartered in Houston, Texas.

Sector: Technology

Industry: Oil & Gas Field Machinery & Equipment

Market Cap: 220.37B

Dividend Yield: None

EPS: None

Price Change: -2.28

Price: 68.64

Change Percentage: -0.0335

Volume: 772,059,000

Relative Volume: 30

Beta: -0.578

Volatility: 0.107


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 31 Jan 25
 31 Jan 25
 31 Jan 25