
Polygon has announced a technical update, migrating its native cryptocurrency from MATIC to POL, described as a critical juncture for the network. The migration is scheduled to take place today and involves an important upgrade in Polygon's ecosystem. Users holding MATIC may need to take action to u...

Polygon's Native Cryptocurrency Migration from MATIC to POL Marks a Critical Juncture

Polygon has announced a technical update, migrating its native cryptocurrency from MATIC to POL, described as a critical juncture for the network. The migration is scheduled to take place today and involves an important upgrade in Polygon's ecosystem.

MATIC Holders - What You Need to Know

Users holding MATIC may need to take action to upgrade to POL, with no immediate deadline. Decentralized applications have integrated the migration contract for easier migration. MATIC stakers on Ethereum will be automatically upgraded to POL.

Insights from Georgi Georgiev, CryptoPotato's Editor-in-Chief

Georgi Georgiev shares insights on cryptocurrency and blockchain with a focus on Bitcoin and market implications.

What Matic Holders Need to Do

Some action may be required if a user wants to upgrade from MATIC to POL. Note that there is no immediate deadline to do so, and any prompts are likely attempts at a scam. Users can complete the migration at their convenience, with some decentralized applications having integrated the migration contract for easier migration.

Trading Status and Sponsored Offers

MATIC is currently the 27th cryptocurrency by total market capitalization and has experienced a 6.8% decline in the past 24 hours. The article also includes information about MATIC's current trading status and some sponsored offers from Binance and BYDFi Exchange.

Author Information

Georgi Georgiev is CryptoPotato's editor-in-chief, with over four years of experience writing about blockchain and cryptocurrencies.

More about United States Steel Corporation

United States Steel Corporation produces and sells tubular and flat rolled steel products primarily in North America and Europe. The company is headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.


Contact: 800-864-7000

Current Price: $15.55

Change: $0.2 ( 2.29%)

52-week Range: $7.57 - $25.31

Dividend Yield: 0.034

Market Cap: $16.85 billion

Price-to-Earnings Ratio: 45.45

EPS: -$0.617

Forward P/E: -0.178


More about Tanzanian Royalty Exploration Corp

Tanzanian Royalty Exploration Corp, Tanzanian Gold Corporation is engaged in the exploration and development of mineral property interests in the United Republic of Tanzania. The company is headquartered in Vancouver, Canada.



Market Cap: 109.25M

Dividend Yield: None

Beta (5Y Monthly): 0.127

EPS: -0.0306

Volume: 36.72M

P/E Ratio: 1.38

Forward Dividend & Yield: 2.549 / 0.625


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 31 Jan 25
 31 Jan 25
 31 Jan 25